Rehabilitation Center
Drug addiction is a multifaceted problem that affects the bio-psycho-social aspects of one’s life. The treatment of a disease that disrupts daily life to such an extent requires careful attention, psychotherapy, and, in most cases, in-door treatment. At Innovative Zone Rehabilitation, we provide state-of-the-art indoor best drug rehab center facilities to patients that are accommodating to their needs, which facilitates their progress.
The extensive treatment program at Innovative Zone seeks to pursue and achieve certain developmental milestones from abstinence (learning how to stop using alcohol and drugs) to sobriety (learning how to cope with life without alcohol and drugs), to comfortable living (learning how to live comfortably while abstinent), to productive living (learning how to build a meaningful sober lifestyle).
Moreover, we believe that there is a need to understand the importance of collective efforts, thus, we aim to take the families and the significant others on-board during the treatment and provide them with the right knowledge and skills to manage the vicious cycle of addiction. As families play an integral role in our lives, and mostly suffer the negative consequences of a family member’s drug addiction, it is essential for them to recover along with the patient. Hence, recovery at Innovative Zone is a complete package that comprises of physical, psychological, and social recovery and identifies the role of everyone involved.
Long term health and sobriety are supported by wholesome living, uplifting relationships commitment to values outside of oneself, and spiritual growth. This treatment management aims at re-orienting life around values that are non-drug centered, and a lifestyle that is ultimately sobriety centered.